Filmden bir diyalog vereyimde nasıl bir film olduğu anlaşılsın, bende fazla kasmak zorunda kalmayayım...
(Tomo da Marek de yeni yetme biri İngiliz biri Polonyalı iki çocuk)
Marek - Tomo?
Tomo, wake up.
Tomo - Maria.
Marek -Your food.
Tomo - There ain't a lot there, mate.
There's only a little bit.
Marek -I can't give you more.
The rest is for my dad.
Tomo - How much is your dad having?
Marek -Eat.
Tomo - So, erm, why have you got
so many pictures of Maria?
Is she your girlfriend, or summat?
Marek -Yes, she is.
Tomo - So... have you had sex with her?
Marek -No.
Tomo - Only felt the bazookas?
Marek -No!
Tomo - Well, obviously, her being your girlfriend,
you've kissed her, yeah?
Marek -Not yet.
Tomo - Look, mate, in England,
it's sort of like a tradition
for like a... girlfriend
to kiss her boyfriend,
so, it sounds to me like you're
not actually with her, you just like her.
Marek -In Poland,
we mustn't kiss to be together,
and you think only about one thing.
Tomo - But, mate, we're not in Poland.
This is England and so... it sounds to me
like she's not your girlfriend.
So, I'm gonna try and get in there
with her, so, when I get with her,
I'm not gonna be that comfortable
with you having pictures of my girlfriend,
so, d'you wanna give me them now or...
Marek -No, door closed.
You must go and find another girl.
She's my girlfriend.
And eat fast, I must meet my dad.
Eğer yukarıdaki sahne size komik geldiyse filmde bunlardan bir dünya var. Bendeniz filimdeki olaylar aklıma geldikçe gülüyorum.
Not: Türünüde belirtelimde beklentilentileri yanlış yönetmiş olmayalım, film dram/komedi/macera türünde bir film.
soldaki kardeşimizi ' this is england ' dan hatırlıyorum. ufak yaşına rağmen başarılı bir oyunculuğu var.( gerçi şimdi baktım 92'liymiş. büyüyor ) bu filmi de izlemek gerek o zaman..